



CA DAS Registered Pre-Apprentices and Apprentices – current emphasis is high school youth in collaboration with Bayha Group’s WorkWonder and California public school districts.

Additional contributions:

  • Writing or co-writing California Apprenticeship Initiative, Golden State Pathways, and K12 Strong Workforce awarded grant applications for seven CA school districts.
  • Writing or co-writing DAS Standards.
  • Supporting Bayha Group WorkWonder operations.

Downey Unified School District Apprentices
LWJ Title Examples

Open Education Resources

Author, publish, and support upskill workbooks, supplemental texts, textbooks focused on work-based learning, and alternative approaches for learners and students. Titles include Review Algebra: Upskill Workbook (English and Spanish), Mathematics for Game Developers (Teacher & Student Ed; English & Spanish), AP Seminar: Across CTE Pathways (Teacher & Student Ed), Integrated Math 3: Across CTE Pathways (in progress).

CTE Pathways

Program, pathway, and project strategy, funding, implementation, assessments, evaluation, and compliance advising.

Examples include:

  • Machining and Forming Technologies
  • Alternative Fuels Technologies
  • Plastics Engineering and Sustainability
  • Mechatronics and Industrial Automation
  • Welding and Materials Joining
  • Biotechnology
  • Game Development
  • Audiovisual Technologies

Warren HS Advanced Manufacturing
DUSD Admin, Staff, Teachers @ Cerritos College

Work-based Learning

Developing collaborative WBL in all courses, content, and projects. Emphasis on hands-on learning informed by current and relevant industry priorities toward livable wage jobs, equity for multiple learning perspectives, and non-traditional assessments for learners who don’t excel on tests. All meet curriculum objectives and compliance and are fully accessibility compliant.